Be Careful Using Home Waxing Strips and Lip Waxing Products Under Certain Circumstances
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In today's world, young and old women often look up to the women who grace the covers of Vogue magazine or US Weekly. Though it is clear there is some Photoshop work being done to make some of these women look flawless, some of them are naturally beautiful. The term "naturally" is applied loosely here because natural body hair is often removed to get those desired looks. Home waxing strips and lip waxing products are often used in areas that have unwanted body hair such as around the lip, eyebrows, and the bikini area. However, there are some circumstances when these products should not be used, including the ingesting of certain antibiotics, drinking excessive amounts of caffeine or alcohol, and during pregnancy. This article will cover why home waxing strips and lip waxing products should not be used during those times.
Using Certain Antibiotics
Using some types of antibiotics like birth control or hormone replacements causes the skin to become photosensitive (sensitive to the sun) or creates an alteration in the skin's pigment. Antibiotics consisting of Vitamin A (DIfferin or Retin A) also cause skin sensitivity and should not be used while waxing. Diabetes, blood thinners, and post-cancer treatments also might cause concern and a doctor should be consulted before the waxing process begins.
Drinking Caffeine or Alcohol
If caffeine or alcohol are regular parts of one's diet, he or she should know that drinking while waxing or right before the process causes the skin to become extra sensitive and easily prone to red bumps or inflammation. This caffeine or alcohol drinker does not have to quite the habit completely, but they should not drink either substance at least a few hours before attempting the process.
During Pregnancy
So many side effects occur as results of waxing that it is best to consult a doctor the waxing process is really desired during this time. After a visit to a doctor and if he okays the process, it is probably best to go to a professional because there will be less chance of an infection or allergic reaction. Skin is sensitive during pregnancy, so if the mother-to-be is completing the process by herself because she simply cannot afford another option, it is best to do a test (on an arm or leg) and wait twenty-four hours to see if any unwanted reactions occur.
While there are certain times that people should not be waxing, there are also certain areas that should be avoided. Some of these areas include places where waxing was done twenty-four hours ago, body piercings, Botox or collagen injections, and obviously if there is a rash or irritation. For those women, or even men, who are concerned with using home waxing strips or lip waxing products, this article indicates what to avoid to help ease those concerns.
For those women, or even men, who are concerned with using home waxing strips or lip waxing products, this article indicates what to avoid to help ease concerns.
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