четверг, 10 января 2013 г.

How To Easily Detect Causes Of Premature Ejaculation And Find a Lasting Solution To It

How To Easily Detect Causes Of Premature Ejaculation And Find a Lasting Solution To It

Expert Author Giwa Rasheed
Is premature ejaculation ruining your love life? Is it leaving you and your partner unsatisfied and feeling frustrated with your sexual experience? If so, read on and find out some information that can make all that a thing of the past. There are many different methods to remedy premature ejaculation. Their effectiveness can vary widely depending on the particular circumstances and causes of your situation.
Because it is possible to have more serious underlying physical causes, it is normally considered good advice to consult your doctor. There also could be psychological factors to consider and your healthcare provider should be able to make a determination if you have a more serious condition.
For the vast majority, premature ejaculation is not an actual physical medical malady. Many people are hesitant to seek treatment because of the embarrassing nature of the problem. In order to determine which course of action is likely to work best for you it is important to understand the nature of your problem with premature ejaculation.
A man is generally considered to be suffering from premature ejaculation if he is unable to last long enough to bring his partner to climax. Because of this, there isn't an actual solid definition of exactly what premature means. There's no way to put an actual time limit on it. Everyone is different.
Some women can climax fairly quickly while others can't take much longer than many men. If you find that you are regularly unable to last long enough to be satisfied with your sexual experience and also be able to satisfy your partner then it could be said that you are suffering from premature ejaculation.
These problems can be both psychological and physical. In order to find a treatment that will work satisfactorily it is necessary to determine what is causing the problem. By doing this you will be able to get at the root of the problem and find a solution that will work on that level.
There are many quick fixes that will provide a means to temporarily get past it, but they only gloss over the surface. Many quick fixes don't do anything to get at the underlying cause. Some of these can actually do more harm than good. They don't provide for a more satisfying sexual experience because they act either through distraction or chemicals that numb the pleasure.
While it might seem distressing to know that your premature ejaculation problem may be a psychological issue, in most cases it can be solved with some very simple techniques. Ejaculation is triggered by your sympathetic nervous system. It is a part of the autonomous nervous system that is under automatic control of the brain and the central nervous system. Your sympathetic nervous system is the same system that provides your fight-or-flight response. It is highly responsive to mental cues that you may be entirely unaware of.
When the sympathetic nervous system becomes active it pumps adrenaline into your blood stream and causes many reactions that greatly raise your state of excitability. While this is a good thing under some circumstances, you really don't want this heightened state of excitement to be active during your sexual encounters. It puts your ejaculation response on a hair trigger. While doctors can dispense some medications that can help with psychological premature ejaculation problems, in most cases it is highly unnecessary.
An imbalance in brain chemistry such as serotonin and dopamine levels can cause problems. Antidepressant medications have shown some promise to help with this but they can have serious side effects. More often than not the psychological problems you are experiencing stem from stress and anxiety over your poor performance. It can also come from other sources such as every day worries about your life. In this case it is usually only necessary to learn how to approach sex through relaxation.
By learning how to use sex to relax you can keep the sympathetic nervous system suppressed. This will greatly prolong the amount of time that you will be able to make love before feeling the need to ejaculate. While physical factors can be an issue, it doesn't mean that there is actually anything terribly wrong.
The prevailing physical issue is hypersensitivity to physical stimulus. When a nerve is activated repeatedly it becomes highly attuned to that physical stimulus and will provide a greater level of response much more quickly. In many cases it is possible that we have "programmed" ourselves to ejaculate prematurely. While this is a physical response to stimulus it is still rooted in our psychological treatment of sex.
Quite often, especially in the case of masturbation, men will try to hurry and get it done as quickly as possible. Treating sex with this attitude over time will cause your body to become highly attuned to sexual stimulus. There are also methods that you can use to "reprogram" your nervous system to become less sensitive to sexual stimulation.
Very few men have ever been trained in methods to help them last longer during sex. Most of us are doing it through instinct. We tense up our muscles and get excited. This causes our heart rate and breathing rate to increase, which in turn rapidly increases our level of arousal and leads us down the path to a quick ejaculation. This seems to be nature's way of making sure that the seed gets sewn and the species propagated. You can take control back from evolution by learning the techniques that will keep those automatic reflexes under your control and for the most part turned off.
There is one true physical problem many men probably never hear about and are most likely completely unaware of. The muscles in the cradle of your pelvis that help create your ejaculation can be used to keep your sensitivity to ejaculation low. They are called the perineal muscles. Though you may not have heard of them, you use them all the time probably without even realizing it. In order to become a true master at controlling your ejaculation, you have to be able to exercise your will over these muscles.
These are the muscles that you use to hold back urination. They also surround your anus and help squeeze your rectum. You can do exercises to squeeze these muscles and train them to become stronger. This will give you the ability to exercise better control over them. When you can exercise control over these muscles you will be able to exercise much greater control over your ejaculatory response.
When combined with other methods to teach you how to approach sex with a relaxed attitude, control your physical response to sexual statement and reprogram your nervous system to be less sensitive to sexual stimulus you will be able to exercise a great deal of control over your ejaculation.
If you would like to know more, visit: http://www.curewithoutdrugs.blogspot.com

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