среда, 29 мая 2013 г.

What Is Preimplantation Genetic Screening?

What Is Preimplantation Genetic Screening?

If we are going to go through the trouble of IVF treatments to get pregnant then having a preimplantation diagnosis screening done to be as sure as possible that we are going to have a normal pregnancy without genetic disorders being implanted as an embryo.
Who Should Have This Done?
There are several types of people who should have this done. The list below will describe people with various scenarios that will need to engage in preimplantation genetic screening.
• Women who have chromosome disorders and have had multiple miscarriages.
• People who carry disorders that are linked to sex
• People with chromosome disorders themselves
• People with single-gene defects
People who have these disorders and those who have had multiple miscarriages won't often realize that it is caused by a genetic disorder. It is more common than people think, it is just overlooked and many times ends up having miscarriage after miscarriage and never know why, can be an emotionally painful experience.
So How Is Preimplantation Genetic Screening Done?
This can be complicated and technical to explain, so we will put it in layman's terms and shorten it up a bit so you can get the concept and not have your head spinning. Basically cells are removed from the embryo and the DNA is then copied by a delicate and complicated process. When the DNA is copied it is just the same as passing your genes to your baby. The disorders they are looking for carry markers and when those markers show, they can tell the prospective parents what they are in danger of passing to their children.
So What Kind Of Disorders Does This Test Look For?
This test is a great benefit for everyone because it detects disorders that can make a real difference in both the lives of the family and the child. These disorders are ones you have commonly heard of and some you probably have not.
• Aneuploidy, translocation, and inversion deletions which are all rearrangements of chromosomes.
• Sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs and Huntington Disease which are all single gene disorders.
• Rett syndrome, vitamin D resistant rickets which are all dominant sex-linked disorders
• Hemophilia, fragile X and neuromuscular dystrophy which are all recessive sex-linked.
What Are The Benefits Of This Test?
Because the test is done before you implant the egg, the mother does not have to have amniocentesis later on and will allow the parents to decide whether or not to continue the pregnancy which as you well know is a controversial issue.
What Are The Setbacks?
For people who believe that life begins at conception this can be a very daunting decision and also some carriers will reach middle age before any symptoms show up if they do at all. This is something that takes a lot of consideration by both parents and as preimplantation genetic screening can help you with making the right decision, it can also complicate an already complicated situation. However, for couples wanting to become parents, it is well worth the risk.
To learn more about PGS, please visit the following webpage:

Penis Care and Protection - Boosting Penile Health With Vitamin D

Penis Care and Protection - Boosting Penile Health With Vitamin D

The skin that surrounds the penis is a bit like the plastic wrapper on a candy bar: It keeps the product inside fresh and protected from the elements, and if the wrapper is attractive enough, a consumer might be persuaded to give that product a closer inspection. Keeping that skin healthy should be at the top of any man's penis health priority list, and Vitamin D could play a key role. Unfortunately, the average guy might not be getting enough of this element to meet his needs, unless he adds a supplement.
Basking in the Benefits
Producing Vitamin D is relatively easy: Men can just bare their arms to the bright sunshine for about 30 minutes twice each week. The golden rays pierce the upper layers of the skin and all of the chemical reactions take over from there. No thought, movement or action is needed at all.
Modern men might not feel comfortable stripping down to the waist and lolling about in the sunshine without sunscreen, however, as skin cancer has been tied to excessive sun exposure. It's a dangerous problem, and as a result, many men have been coached to slather on sunscreen each and every time they leave their homes when the sun is present, and those products can block Vitamin D production. Additionally, some men live in climates in which the sun just doesn't show up for weeks on end. As a result, men might have a deficiency of this vitamin, and their penile skin could pay the price.
When vitamin levels are running low, the body has to make key decisions about where to apply the supplies it does have, and the penis might lose out in these equations. Vitamin D is needed for vital structures, including the bones and the heart, and the body might choose these systems over the skin on a regular basis. In time, if the deficiency continues, a man might have a flaky, unresponsive tool due to this lack of nutrition.
Adding a Supplement
Since Vitamin D is so important to human health, it's been added to all sorts of products, including:
  • Tofu
  • Orange juice
  • Cereal
  • Vitamin pills
  • Milk
These supplemental items can add a Vitamin D punch to almost any diet, but they might not provide the most direct route to penile health. After all, these substances must also work their way through the digestive tract, and they might also be diverted to other body systems at almost any point in the process. Oral supplementation can also be dangerous for people who hope to ensure robust health by loading up on vitamins.
Vitamin D is fat soluble, meaning it doesn't tend to leave the body with ease. People who load up on the vitamin by taking mega-doses on a regular basis could end up with too much, and they could develop serious health problems as a result. In fact, people who take in huge amounts of oral Vitamin D could develop calcium deposits in their blood. It's a rare side effect, but it's certainly possible for people who go overboard with the vitamins on a regular basis.
Sliding to Good Health
A topical application of Vitamin D allows men to put the nutrition right where it's needed most, and the risk of overdosing with a topical cream is incredibly small. The body just doesn't tend to absorb toxic amounts of vitamins through the skin, so applying the products topically seems to provide the safest route to robust health.
penis health creme fortified with Vitamin D (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains all of the nutrition a man needs for robust penis health, and it's fun to apply. A small amount can just be rubbed into the skin of the penis after a warm bath or shower. Good health never felt so good, and a penis health creme can make it all happen.
For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: http://www.penishealth101.com. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and Prostatitis Prevention and Treatment

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and Prostatitis Prevention and Treatment

The prostate, a gland located just below the bladder in men, is normally the size of a walnut. It secretes a fluid that gives sperm the possibility to swim and get in the cervix after ejaculation. Problems may occur if the prostate enlarges or gets inflamed. The gland is also a common place where cancer establishes in older men.
BPH - Benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement) causes and symptoms
The prostate begins to enlarge in most men around the age of 50 years. This condition, known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (that is non-inflamed and non-cancerous), doesn't require any treatment if it doesn't produce symptoms. If the prostate enlarges enough to press against the urethra that passes through, it will obstruct the flow of urine, which can lead to the desire to urinate frequently, day and night, and the urine elimination may become increasingly slow and hesitant. It is possible that you might be able to urinate only in small quantities, and still suffer from incontinence.
Prostatitis causes and symptoms
The inflammation of the prostate is called prostatitis. It may be the result of an infection, usually sexually transmitted, or can occur after certain exercises that shake the body (like jogging), done with a full bladder. Symptoms include an unpleasant sensation just behind the scrotum and pain in the lower back and abdomen. You may also have pain when urinating. The urine may contain blood, smell like fish, be turbid, and you may have a fever.
The risk of prostate cancer increases after age of 40. The cancer may have no symptoms. A blood test (APS) is useful, but not safe enough to be used in a diagnosis.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis prevention
Eat aliments rich in zinc, beta-carotene, flavonoids and vitamins C and E (see nutrients and food of prime importance). Consume more beans, nuts and seeds, and three servings of fatty fish a week. Their omega-3 fatty acids increase immunity, prevent infections and other causes of prostate. Daily exercises help prostate by stimulating the pelvic circulation. Regular ejaculation is also good for the prostate. Sitting in bright daylight for half an hour can help prevent prostate cancer.
Prostatitis treatment
This condition requires prompt medical treatment. To heal, eat lots of vegetables and fruits, and aliments containing essential fatty acids, selenium and zinc. Try to avoid physical and emotional stress.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) treatment
  • Reduce consumption of dairy products and refined carbohydrates.
  • Eat lots of aliments that contain zinc (seafood, root vegetables and pumpkin seeds).
  • Consume more soy-based aliments, such as tofu.
  • Soybeans contain some substances called isoflavones, which can protect against prostate diseases.
  • Increase intake of aliments containing beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, flavonoids, magnesium, fiber and essential fatty acids.
  • Eat lentil regularly, nuts and sweet corn. They contain an amino acid called glutamic acid that can reduce an enlarged prostate.
  • Drink less beverages that contain caffeine.
Find out more details and useful information, as well as other natural remedies that will help different physical and mental illnesses athttp://whatwillhelp.com

3 Affirmations For Healthy Living

3 Affirmations For Healthy Living

Expert Author Judy Mick
Everyone should have a goal of being fit and staying healthy. We should want to live the best life that we can, have fun in our life and be around with our loved ones for a long, long time. Positive thinking through affirmations can help us to achieve this. Here are 3 affirmations that I feel are important for staying healthy - and why you should say them every day.
1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I take time every day to eat a nutritious breakfast.
Breakfast means breaking the fast. As you sleep and rest throughout the night - your body is fasting and your metabolism is slowing down. By waking up to a good breakfast, you are jump starting your metabolism. You are getting your engine starting running for the day - and will have more energy throughout the day after a healthy breakfast. Also, by eating a good breakfast, you will be less likely to overcome your hunger by overeating at lunchtime.
2. I am committed to an exercise program and staying active.
An exercise program will help you to prolong your life and can even help keep many diseases away. I know that my running has helped me to have fewer colds and live an overall healthier lifestyle that I would have if I have not been active all these years. So, commit yourself to some sort of exercise every day. Make the time in your day to achieve this. If you need to, make a standing appointment with yourself every day. Put it in your appointment book. Yes, it's that important.
3. I am committed to a good night's sleep every night.
Having a good night's sleep is so important to your well-being. A good night's sleep can make you more productive in the following day. It also keeps you safe as you don't need to get drowsy as you drive or go through your day. Most people need 8 hours of sleep a night. And, your sleep needs to be sound. Clear your head of anything that is worrying you so that you can go right to sleep. If you need to do some sort of meditation or prayer before you go to bed to release what's on your mind - make sure that you do it. Also, make sure that your bedroom is comfortable and conducive to a good night's sleep. You should have the temperature right, your bed and pillow should invite you to them every night.
Being healthy is so important. I know that it is for me! Saying these affirmations everyday will make it important for you - and you will get the ideas in your subconscious so that you will get it done!
Getting in shape and staying in shape is a goal that everyone should have - no matter how busy they are. It's that important! Visit Health and Fitness Tips for more tips on exercise and healthy eating.

See Eye Doctors for Eye Problems Associated With Aging

See Eye Doctors for Eye Problems Associated With Aging

Expert Author Andrea Avery
As people get older, the importance of good eye doctors in their lives increases each year. Over time, vision problems develop that can get worse if not treated. That is why regular checkups are essential.
The lenses of eyes are one area of vulnerability. Aging and other factors can result in lenses becoming cloudy, blurring a person's vision. Even when it first becomes noticeable, this problem, called cataracts, can be debilitating. It is unwise for someone suffering from cataracts to drive, and the vision impairment can increase if not corrected expediently.
Fortunately, professional eye doctors have developed methods of treatment that generate substantial improvements. A surgical procedure called Phacoemulsification literally emulsifies the cataract using ultrasound. This allows the cloudiness to be dispersed and removed or at least reduced, improving vision.
Other Problems
In addition to cataracts, aging is associated with other eye problems as well. One involves regulating the amount of moisture. Some people's eyes start to get to dry, resulting in discomfort and risk of damage, while for others the problem is excessive tears.
Another serious problem is glaucoma, which is a condition where the optic nerve is damaged. Like cataracts, this condition can lead to rapidly decreasing vision and eventual blindness if left untreated. However, if caught early, eye doctors can put together a treatment plan for their patients to help remediate the effects.
A key part of that plan will be determining the right mix of pharmaceutical and possibly surgical intervention. Medication can lower intraocular pressure, though it will be important to take it exactly as the physician directs. Surgery may provide some short-term relief through either conventional methods or with medical lasers.
Professional Help
No matter what particular problem you may be dealing with, early intervention is key. If you connect with eye doctors when you first notice a problem, they can give you a comprehensive examination and determine what is wrong. Once that determination is made, they can let you know what your options are.
In addition to possible medication or surgery if needed, you may be advised to alter your activities in constructive ways. For example, you may be asked to avoid bright sunlight by minimizing outside time on cloudless afternoons. Something that simple can give your eyes a rest and preclude further damage if UVA/UVB light was a cause. You may also be told that you should wear sunglasses to further protect your eyes and avoid reading small print for extended periods.
Office Visits
Whatever the doctor's prescriptions may be, you will feel a lot better once you've had that first office visit. Good eye doctors do everything they can to set their patients at ease and educate them about the problems they face. It will be comforting to know that you're in the hands of a professional who has taken care of problems like yours before. If you're worried at first, it is important to remember that they are focused on one thing: helping your vision get better.
Looking for Brooklyn eye doctors? Click the link to the following website: http://brightoneye.com.

Losing Weight - Surgical and Non-Invasive Liposuction

Losing Weight - Surgical and Non-Invasive Liposuction

Expert Author Anna Woodward
We all want to be in good physical condition. Being in good shape affects every aspect of our lives in a positive way. For example, being slim and trim means literally carrying less weight around, and thus having to expend less energy with each step. If you slim down, you'll stay energetic for longer and be able to enjoy more good times with friends and family.
Exercise and Nutrition
Of course, the main keys to getting fit are exercise and nutrition. Regardless of what other steps you take, you'll still need to eat right and be active. All of the standard rules apply: making sure to have enough water, fruits and vegetables, plus engaging in a variety of forms of exercise like swimming and running. Following that healthy pattern of life can do a lot to get your weight down to a healthy and manageable level. However, sometimes it won't be enough.
When those good health measures still don't have enough of an effect, you might want to contact a qualified medical professional to pursue other options. Those can include specific plans and devices to give you the extra boost you need in your weight loss quest. They may also include surgical options like liposuction.
For many years, liposuction has used suction techniques to physically remove fat from individuals. While once associated with movie stars, it is now common amongst regular people. Doctors performing the procedure are specifically educated about the pluses and minuses of the procedure, and can inform their prospective patients accordingly.
A major plus is that it does have the general desired effect. Fat gets removed, resulting in the benefits of being less heavy. The fat removal also allows patients to successfully achieve some of their appearance goals, and to comfortably fit into smaller size clothing. All of those effects can improve quality of life and social interactions.
A minus, however, is a concern that many people have about surgery. They worry that there may be unwanted visual effects in the area where the liposuction was performed. They may also worry about potential side effects on other areas of their bodies. Fortunately, there is a great way to quickly and safely address all of those concerns. That way is called non-invasive liposuction.
Reduce Fat Without Surgery
This non-surgical approach has been hailed as a blessing by many who need to lose weight but really didn't want to undergo surgery. It is called "cryolipolysis", a word which combines the Greek root 'cryo', which means 'cold', and 'lipolysis', which refers to breaking down fat.
Criolipolysis doesn't require any incisions or vacuums. A patient can get it without having to deal with any concerns they may have about actual surgery. As a form of non-invasive liposuction, this proprietary process uses the effect of controlled cooling on specific areas of the body to reduce deposits of fat in those areas. The effect pursued is the same, but without the discomfort of actual surgery.
For those who want to lose weight and reshape their physique, non-invasive liposuction - also called CoolSculpting - is a viable option worth exploring.
When diet and exercise have failed to give you the body you want, consider the noninvasive liposuction Pittsburgh  residents turn to. For more information, visit  http://www.chillthefat.com.

Babymoon: A Special Time for the Two of You

Babymoon: A Special Time for the Two of You

Expert Author Anna Woodward
There are several great options when it comes to planning a babymoon. Perhaps the newest is to let your family and friends plan one for you. Consider setting up a babymoon fund along with your baby shower registry. This gives family and friends a way to contribute to your trip and takes some of the pressure off of you and dad. A little bit of research should produce a list of facilities that participate in this type of planning.
The next option is to purchase a babymoon package. This option allows you the freedom to choose your destination as well as many of the included services and amenities. Whether you choose a spa, hotel, resort, or maybe a quaint inn or bed and breakfast, you can be sure that you will be pampered and relaxed on your special getaway. Many establishments offer luxuries like massages, yoga, room service, spa services, and even workshops that teach everything from relaxation skills to massage techniques. Moms will usually receive some type of gift basket or relaxation package upon their arrival. There are usually special services offered for dad as well. After all, this trip is to help each of you relax and reconnect with each other.
The great thing about a babymoon is that it can be as simple or elaborate as you desire. If going to a fancy spa or resort is not your cup of tea, you can choose a romantic beach getaway or perhaps a cozy cabin in the mountains. Some couples choose to be active and seek adventure, while others desire quiet time with lots of rest and relaxation. Whatever you choose as your destination, just make sure it appeals to both of you. After all, this is your special time to enjoy each other before your baby arrives.
Before heading off on your romantic getaway, be sure to check with your doctor and make sure it is okay for you to travel. When choosing your destination, it is important to make sure that there is a medical facility nearby in case any problems or complications arise while you are away. Now that you have taken care of all of the important details, the only thing left to do is relax and enjoy yourself! Remember, your babymoon may be the last chance you have for a while to put your wants and needs before your baby's wants and needs!
Looking to take a California babymoon? Visit the following website: http://www.mellowmommy.com.

Foods That Help Heal Sinusitis

Foods That Help Heal Sinusitis

Expert Author Rachy A Marifosque
It's never a pleasant experience when a sinus infection attacks and brings with it the accompanying cough, congestion, fatigue and headaches. Sinus infections can even result in a 102.2 Fahrenheit fever, really bad swelling in the face or pain that would sometimes necessitate a trip to the doctor. But people who're lucky enough to have a relatively light sinus attack can use a sinus home remedy to get over the infection. Some of these simple remedies are using humidifiers and nasal salines, drinking lots of fluids and eating certain foods. Studies have shown that increasing the consumption of certain foods can help prevent sinusitis, or at least minimize its symptoms.
• Fruits and Veggies
One often overlooked sinus treatment is the consumption of colorful fruits and vegetables. These produce are often rich with quercetin, a pigment that's responsible for the vibrant colors of fruits and vegetables. It also is an antihistamine which, when combined with bromelain, makes it a very effective sinusitis remedy. To get your more than daily dose of quercetin, eat lots of apples, apricots, beets, berries, citrus fruits, cherries, celery, peaches, pears, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussel sprouts, leafy greens like spinach and kale, onions and peppers. Since juicing is all the rage these days, try combining celery and grapefruit juice; apple and watercress with 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar; or carrot juice and coconut milk.
• Garlic
This bulb, which is a staple in kitchens and most dishes, can significantly enhance a body's capability to fight a sinus infection. This delicious bulb has both antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Plus, it's so easy to increase a body's garlic intake. One can simply add them to soups and other dishes. Garlic also makes for good steam therapy. Just add it to boiling water and inhale the steam.
• Omega-3 rich food
If you suffer from sinusitis, it's important that you include eggs, fish and nuts to your diet. These omega-3 rich foods can reduce the congestion and swelling of the sinus. Try to eat more anchovies, salmon, sardines, pecans and walnuts. You can also take supplements like cod oil or flax seed oil to make sure that you're getting your daily dose of omega-3.
• Pineapple
Pineapples are rich with the enzyme bromelain, which studies have shown to alleviate the symptoms of sinusitis. Bromelain's anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages.
• Yogurt
Yogurt has probiotic lactobacillus, which is a friendly bacteria that can help lessen the chances of a person developing allergies that might lead to sinusitis.
There's a wide array of sinus treatment available to people these days. These common and often overlooked foods are already a staple in most kitchens so it would be foolish to just dismiss them. It's better and more affordable to integrate these products with the sinus remedy that one is using.
For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Products That Help Alleviate Sinusitis

Products That Help Alleviate Sinusitis

Expert Author Rachy A Marifosque
Every year, there are around 30 million Americans who suffer from sinusitis and the headaches and nasal congestion it brings. Most sinusitis sufferers rely on antibiotics to get them through a particularly serious bout of infection. But for those who aren't keen on using antibiotics, there are other options to try. Here are several products that can help alleviate your sinusitis -
• Air purifiers
Impurities in the air often trigger sinusitis. Some common elements that can trigger allergies or a sinusitis attack are dust, mold and smoke. An air purifier is a good way of essentially clearing the air and reducing the number of irritants that can inflame the nasal passages. Air purifiers are easy to find and purchase as it's carried by a lot of appliance stores.
• Herbal Inhalants
Herbs and other aromatherapy products like eucalyptus, peppermint and rosemary are believed to help alleviate sinus congestion. Sinusitis sufferers can look for inhalation beads that contain a mixture of these therapeutic herbs at natural food stores or purchase them online.
• Humidifier
Sinusitis attacks more during winter because dry indoor air can really inflame the nasal passages and cause thick mucus. A humidifier helps make the environment more humid so the nose becomes less congested. Humidifiers can come in cool or warm mist, although the latter is sometimes called a vaporizer. Either model works really well as a sinus treatment.
• Neti pot
A neti pot looks is a relatively small teapot with a longer spout that's used to moisturize the apparatus has been used for centuries as a sinus home remedy for its capability to flush out irritants that can cause sinusitis. Neti pots can be ceramic or plastic and can be purchased at most drugstores.
• Nasal irrigation system
A nasal irrigation system is essentially a more polished neti pot. This sinus treatment system has humidifying, rinsing and pulsating features. The best aspect of this device is its pulse feature that works at thoroughly clearing the thick mucus out of nasal passages. Unfortunately, a nasal irrigation system is more expensive than a nasal spray or a neti pot.
• OTC decongestant
Doctors have described over-the-counter decongestants as good for alleviating sinusitis since they shrink the blood vessels that cause stuffy nose. However, doctors also recommend that patients using decongestants should also drink a lot of fluids or use a saline spray.
• Saline nasal spray
Saline nasal sprays can be as effective as a humidifier in alleviating symptoms of sinusitis, but they come in a much smaller form. The saline mist is similar to a humidifier as it also moistens the nose while in a dry environment. The advantage saline nasal sprays have over humidifiers is its portability and its price. A salt water pack can be had for $5 or less. You can save even more money if you mix the saline solution at home.
• Steam Inhalers
One very effective and potent decongestant is steam. Older generations have known this and probably why soups are often used as a sinus home remedy. If you have sinusitis, you can invest in a personal steam inhaler that can be bought in drugstores or most department stores. For those who're counting coins, taking a hot shower and staying in the bathroom while it's still steamy is an easy and affordable way of doing this.
For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Personality Makeover - Beauty Treatments That'll Unleash the Real You

Personality Makeover - Beauty Treatments That'll Unleash the Real You

Expert Author Oliver Louis
Long ago, there was a television reality show named, 'The Swan'. Casting directors and producers were in search of 'Ugly Ducklings' - women who were nowhere close to the society's definition of good looks and gave them a thorough makeover.
Well, it wasn't a typical wardrobe transformation or a striking hairstyle. These ugly women stayed away from their families for several months and went through several plastic surgeries, rigorous exercise regimes, a new wardrobe and finally a suitable hairdo. At the finale of every episode, their family members and other viewers crossed their fingers as they stepped out, the epitome of beauty and elegance - the change of an ugly duckling into a royal swan.
Well, let me be honest. I watched every single episode of the show and was utterly amazed by the transformations. At that point of time, I was nearly 18 years of old and had a mixed feeling about it. Firstly, I felt sad to see how these women were simply tagged as "ugly" and secondly, I wished I could take part in the reality show.
They say "beauty is skin deep" but ugly looks can hurt much deeper. Whether it's your personal or professional life, first impression matters a lot. Believe it or not, beauty holds the supreme power of conquering the world. Even Shakespeare has shown it in his 'Antony and Cleopatra'.
A lot of people think that beauty is a term associated only with women. However, that's not true. Both men and women need beauty treatment at every stage of life. It rejuvenate your appearance and enliven your mental condition. All in all, it boosts your self-confidence and gives you a strong personality. Beauty makeover generally consists of hair and skin treatment. Regular problems of the skin are rashes, pimples, sunburn, patchy skin, and of course wrinkles.
Skin rejuvenation
Different people have different skin types. While some have oily skin, others have dry or mixed skin type. Your skin is the biggest organ in the body, and performs most of the heavy tasks in your day-to-day life. The damaging effects of everyday stress are most discernible on your skin. So, it's important to keep it as healthy and hydrated as possible. Only a professional beauty salon knows the requirements of your skin and treats it in the correct way. Professional skin-care treatments help combat several skin problems that could not be solved with regular cosmetic products.
You can't stop your birthdays, but you can definitely fight the damaging effect of time on your hair. As you grow in age, your hair starts losing its moisture and becomes dry and fizzy. Salons have beauty professionals who are experts at providing an extensive range of hair treatments - from deep hot oil conditioning and hair re-bonding to removal of excess body hair by the method of waxing.
Oliver Louis writes articles for Anna's Touch and Beauty, one of the leading beauty salons in Northwood. Whether you need waxing in Northwoodor simple skin treatments, this is the perfect place to go.

вторник, 28 мая 2013 г.

5 Quick Toning Exercise For Busy People

5 Quick Toning Exercise For Busy People

Expert Author Judy Mick
We all know that getting exercise and staying fit is important. We know that it is important for a longer and overall healthier life. However, many of us have such a busy life that it can be hard to make time for exercise. Read on for five exercises that you can do to tone your body and can be done in a limited amount of time.
1. Squats are a great exercise. They work your backside, your quads and your hamstrings. To do them correctly you want to stay with your feet shoulder length apart. While you are keeping your upper body straight, push your bottom back like you are going to sit down in a chair. When you reach the level of where the chair would be - stop and hold that position for a count of 5 and then raise back up.
2. Bridge lifts are super to tone your bottom. Lay on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor - about shoulder width apart. With your hand on both sides of your body, push your body up with your feet while squeezing your gluteus muscles and lifting your bottom off the floor. Hold this for a count of 5 and then lower yourself to the floor.
3. Push ups are something that seems to put fear in everyone - but are a great exercise for toning your arms and chest muscles. Keep your back straight as you raise and lower your body. If you are not strong enough in the beginning to lift your whole body from your toes - it's perfectly fine to lower yourself to your knees instead.
4. Crunches are another super exercise for toning your body. This is the way that I like to do them. Lie on the floor with your legs resting up on a chair or couch with your fingers behind your head. Lift your upper body toward your knees while squeezing your abs. Hold for 5 counts and then lower yourself back to the floor.
5. Reverse lunges are a great leg muscle toning exercise. While you are standing with your feet together, move one leg back until you are in a lunge. Your front leg should be at 90 degrees and your back leg extended. Lower yourself until your knee almost touches the floor. Hold for a count of two.
Most of us have a super busy life. But, getting in exercise is extremely important to your overall well-being. These are exercise that you can take 10 minutes to do daily and will work wonders!
Getting in shape and staying in shape is a goal that everyone should have - no matter how busy they are. It's that important! Visit Health and Fitness Tips for more tips on exercise and healthy eating.

Solving Penis Problems - Vital Members of a Penis Healthcare Team

Solving Penis Problems - Vital Members of a Penis Healthcare Team

At one time or another, almost every man on the planet will need the help of a doctor for a penis problem. A man's equipment is delicate, and it's often exposed to a significant amount of use and abuse; as a result, all sorts of things can go wrong in all sorts of ways. Men who need help may be stymied by the sheer number of people who are ready and willing to help them with their penis health problems, and they may have no idea who to call first. The following paragraphs outline the vital players on a man's intimate healthcare team.
Physicians: The First Stop
A general physician is an excellent ally for a man with any health-related problem, including those issues that strike intimate tissue. These medical professionals are trained to look over a person's health from a holistic perspective, and during a visit, a doctor like this might take all sorts of measurements, including assessments of:
  • Weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Temperature
  • White blood cell count
  • Blood sugar levels
Any of these factors could play a role in penis health, and a quick screening could help a guy get back to business in no time at all. Some doctors are even comfortable with diagnosing and treating minor skin ailments that can strike in sensitive areas. It might be unusual to think of visiting the same person for a penis problem that a man might see for strep throat, but a general practitioner really could provide one-stop shopping for problems downstairs. If the issue is just a little more complicated and a little more involved, a general physician might provide a man with a referral to a specialist that can help.
Urologists: For Interior Problems
Below-the-belt problems that involve deep tissues are the specialty of urologists. These medical professionals know all about how the reproductive system works, and they also have in-depth knowledge of the systems the body uses in order to remove waste. Men who have questions involving function rather than issues of appearance might get the help they need from a visit to the urologist.
Urology appointments usually begin with a thorough exam, and the doctor might also look over the records the general practitioner took during that appointment. In some cases, a urologist can provide a quick solution with salves, medications or exercises. Sometimes, however, urologists need to do more intensive testing before they can come to a definitive diagnosis.
Dermatologists: For Exterior Issues
Some manhood woes involve the wrapper of skin around the penis. Welts, lumps, bumps and itching can all have their roots in skin tissues, and finding the answer to these problems can be a little difficult, as the problems can have so many causes. Sometimes, multiple factors are at play. Dermatologists are comfortable with the detective role, and they can perform a variety of tests to determine what might be invading the skin and what might best be done about it. Creams and lotions often play a prominent role, but oral medications aren't unheard of.
The Self: Prevention Starts Here
While medical professionals are ready and willing to help men with penis woes, men who take proper care of their tools may not have a need for multiple visits. These men might take care to wash without harsh detergents and they may have a deep commitment to using gentle sex techniques that don't tend to result in damage. Men like this may also use a penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis, ensuring that their delicate tissues have the nutrition and moisture they need to fend off damage.
For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: http://www.penishealth101.com. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Penis Health Facts - Why Vitamin C Isn't Just for Colds Anymore

Penis Health Facts - Why Vitamin C Isn't Just for Colds Anymore

Everybody knows that vitamin C has immune-boosting properties. In fact, it seems that one cannot get so much as a sniffle without a well-meaning friend reminding them to take some vitamin C. Vitamin C also has lesser-known properties that make it a penis-friendly vitamin, and one that should be stocked up on every day - not just during cold and flu season. Learn more about how vitamin C can be integrated into the daily routine for penis health and better sexual function.
How vitamin C maintains penis health
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that the body uses to repair tissue, improve the health of the blood vessels and keep all systems healthy. It is also a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water and is not stored by the body, unlike some other nutrients. Vitamin C easily passes out of the body via urine, making it even more important to consume foods high in vitamin C daily. Vitamin C works all throughout the body, and especially benefits a man's sexual health in numerous ways.
Keeps the heart healthy: Vitamin C is important for the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system, so it is intuitive that the vitamin also plays a key role in penile functioning. Proper blood flow is mandatory to achieve a solid erection and the circulation to the area suffers if one's ticker is not functioning effectively. A healthy heart is the first step to a healthy penis.
Healthy blood vessels: Just as a healthy heart is important to maintaining penis health, so to is the health of the blood vessels that supply the blood to the manhood. Vitamin C helps to repair and maintain the health of the delicate tissues, blood vessels, and even any skin that becomes damaged or injured. Keeping the blood vessels strong and healthy can help allow the blood to flow more freely to the penis, allowing for healthy engorgement.
Antioxidant Properties: Vitamin C is one of the elusive and sought after antioxidants, which help attack cancer-causing free radicals in the body. In terms of the penis, it helps keep the skin of the penis healthy and may help fight against cancer that could invade the reproductive organs.
Keeps the skin healthy: The skin of the penis is, perhaps, the most delicate skin on the body of a man. Even the most diligent self-care routine leaves bacteria - which love to grow in moist, warm areas - on the skin. This bacteria can lead to rashes, itchiness, and even a burning sensation. Vitamin C can help stave of infections that lead to that oh so uncomfortable itch.
How to take vitamin C
Doctors recommend adult men over age 19 get 90 mg of vitamin C per day. Of course, the best source of the vitamin is the natural variety from fruits and veggies, but for men who can't seem to squeeze enough of the good stuff into their diets, there are dietary supplements available to help up the dose of vitamin C. Some men prefer to take multivitamins, which contain all the recommended vitamins needed daily, while others choose a vitamin C only supplement to hit their daily intake.
Alternatively, for men who are seeking to maximize the penis health boosting benefits of vitamin C, a specially formulated penis vitamin creme(most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) may be the best option. An all-natural vitamin creme can be applied directly to the skin of the penis, allowing for maximum absorption and effectiveness. Such a formula should be used daily as part of the grooming routine and should be applied after getting out of the shower, and while the skin is still slightly damp, to help lock in moisture.
For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: http://www.penishealth101.com. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

понедельник, 27 мая 2013 г.

Sexual Stimulant or Health Hazard: Why Sex and Alcohol Don't Mix

Sexual Stimulant or Health Hazard: Why Sex and Alcohol Don't Mix

It is not uncommon for a man - or a woman for that matter - to be nervous about a sexual experience, particularly if it is with a new partner. A man may be worried about his skills in the sack, self-conscious about being naked, or just plain afraid his partner won't be satisfied with his love stick. Whatever the reason for the nerves, some people turn to alcohol or other drugs as a sexual stimulant as they believe it will allow them to relax and perform better.
Unfortunately, this practice can actually have the opposite effect on one's libido and has potentially risky side effects. Perhaps rather than stressing about a new relationship, it is better to take it slow and be sure both partners are ready for the next step. Additionally, striving to keep the penis in tip top condition with a daily penis care routine may help reduce feelings of self-consciousness and increase feelings of confidence while naked.
Alcohol and Sex
While it is true that alcohol can reduce one's sexual inhibitions, potentially making one feel more adventurous or even sexy, it is not the best answer in terms of dealing with issues of sexual anxiety. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows the body and brain down, diminishes cognitive reasoning and, if consumed in excess, can lead to passing out or even blacking out. The combination of those elements does not seem good when it comes to the sexual experience; alcohol can even have detrimental or dangerous consequences, including the following:
  1. Poor judgment: Perhaps the biggest risk of too much alcohol before getting frisky is the impairment on one's judgment. An individual who always uses condoms may allow them to go be the wayside because they aren't thinking beyond the moment. Alternatively, the impairment may cause the condoms to be used improperly, thereby increasing the risk of infection transmission or pregnancy.

  2. Pushing Boundaries: Even if a person is fairly certain they wish to engage in sex with their partner, alcohol can blur the decision-making process, which may lead to regrets in the future. Two drunken individuals may not be communicating with each other properly and may inadvertently cross one another's sexual boundaries. Sadly, alcohol has often played a role in unwanted sexual advances or engaging in sexual acts that one normally would not participate in if they were clean and sober.

  3. No Memory of Event: In cases of individuals using alcohol to excess, it is not uncommon to black out and have no memory of the events that transpired the night before. This is particularly dangerous when the question of sexual activity comes into play. If individuals are unsure if they had sex, they certainly cannot be sure if they used protection, which definitely increases the risk of infection or pregnancy.

  4. Sexual Dysfunction: Often known by the slang term "whisky dick," too much alcohol inhibits one's performance dramatically. Alcohol reduces sensations in the nerve endings, making it more difficult to achieve an erection, let alone orgasm. Sadly, the likelihood of the very thing a man is most worried about happening- poor sexual performance - increases with each alcoholic beverage he consumes.
Boosting Self-Confidence
Men who are seriously worried about disappointing their partner may want to consider expressing these concerns prior to "the big night." There is a good chance she may be experiencing some of the same anxieties, so simply talking them out may make the situation more comfortable for both parties. Additionally, taking steps to feel more confident in the appearance of one's penis may translate into self-confidence in the bedroom. Utilizing a high-quality penis health creme can help revitalize the skin of the penis while keeping the skin smooth and supple (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Selecting a formula made with vitamin A can also help fight odor-causing bacteria and keep the penis fresh and clean all day long.
For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: http://www.penishealth101.com. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Why Is Healthy Living So Damn Hard?

Why Is Healthy Living So Damn Hard?

We all know the rules: eat healthy food, exercise for 30 (or 60 or 90 depending on who's talking) minutes a day, don't smoke, don't drink, don't don't don't. We know the rules but we break them every day!
We make New Year's Resolutions every single year, and we break them almost immediately. We promise ourselves, "tomorrow's the day" and then we break the rules. And we beat ourselves up over it.
I say "we" because everyone I've ever met does this: body builders, overweight office workers, grandmothers, kids, everyone. They just do it to varying degrees.
And if everyone does it, the first thing you can do is stop comparing yourself to everyone else who is "perfect" and finding yourself a mass of imperfection by comparison! Forgive yourself for your failures, your slips, your bad habits. Forgive yourself.
The second thing you can do is to stop thinking of your bad habits as "rewards". If you think of chocolate covered almonds as a reward, then whenever you feel bad you are likely to grab a handful of chocolate covered almonds. If you think of french fries as a reward, then you're going to eat this "bad food" too often. Start thinking of the long-term rewards of healthy living, instead of thinking of it as a punishment.
Next, keep a journal. A journal holds you accountable, to yourself. And you have to start thinking about your accountability to yourself. Internal motivation, or motivation that comes from within, is a stronger motivation than external motivation, or motivation that comes from others. No one else can keep you on track. And it's harder to lie to yourself and rationalize your bad behavior than it is to lie to others.
And lastly, baby steps! If you've been eating junk food for three meals a day for 20 years, you can't expect to have a perfect diet overnight. If you've never followed an exercise program, then you can't start with a full training regimen instantly. Start slowly and build up your good habits. Remember, it's taken a lifetime to create the bad habits, it's going to take a little while to replace them with good habits. The good news is that as you make small changes, you'll see the changes in your life. Not only will you get healthier, but you'll find yourself not even wanting your old habits back. I know it's hard to believe now, but soon fast food french fries will make you a bit queasy when you eat them.
(The exception to this rule is addiction, check with your doctor first, but often quitting cold-turkey is the most effective way to beat an addiction like smoking.)
These steps will keep you on track towards the healthy life that you want, and that you deserve.

Adrenal Fatigue: Health Questions for Women

Adrenal Fatigue: Health Questions for Women

Feeling energy less and stressed all the time is the sign of adrenal fatigue and it is one of the most important health questions for women. While performing the simple task, some individuals feel the adrenaline rush and then the feeling of exhaustion takes over. If the person feels weakness all the time, it is the sign of adrenal fatigue and people need to take steps to counter it.
Adrenal glands are the two glands which sit above the kidney and they secrete stress related hormones. If the person is suffering from brain fog and experiences pangs of tiredness frequently, it's the time to go to the doctor. People can't accomplish the routine task according to their requirements and specifications.
It is considered to be one of the most important Health questions for women. By consuming Vitamin C, it is possible to get the immune support in the long run. When the stress increases the adrenaline glands store the vitamins to ward off the free radicals. One should consume fruits that are full of Vitamin C. It will go a long way in giving the best results to the users.
L tyrosine is a possible answer to the Health questions for women because it is an amino acid designed to create the response of the body during the stressful situations. If it is deficient in the body, people might face lots of issues related to fatigue. Cheese along with the yogurt is known to captivate the imagination of the users. Although they are poor substitutes, they can be consumed along with the normal food. Amino acid supplement is the best option for the people who are suffering from the issues of adrenalin.
Natural remedy for the problems could be the herbal extract directly sourced from northern china. Root of the plant contains compounds which helps in the production of the adrenaline hormones. It is a wonderful supplement and provides one of the best treatments to the patients. Apart from the plants, Vitamin B is known to be quite important to the users. Pyridoxal is a form of Vitamin B6 which helps the person to feel good about the environment. By increasing the intake of pantothenic acid, it is possible to enhance the secretion of chemicals. It works by creating cellular energy from the fat.
DHEA is the chemical which is an important component of adrenaline and would go a long way in generating energy for the body. One should take proper supplements to revitalize the brain and the body. There are many medicines that could act as a substitute to accomplish the task. Licorice is one of the major extracts that will help to slow down the breakage of the adrenaline hormone. It is available to the body and people do not feel tired any more. Women should take care of their health because there are different phases of the life which require them to be vigilant about the body. Adrenaline extract is the best natural source of medicine which acts as a charger for the body in the long run.
I am a content writer specially on health topics. For more advice on health questions for women, visit my YouTube channelhttp://www.youtube.com/user/WellnessRevolution13 and don't forget to subscribe.

Do You Want To Know How Effective Pregnancy Test Strips Are?

Do You Want To Know How Effective Pregnancy Test Strips Are?

If you really want to know how pregnancy test strips are effective to determine your pregnancy, this article is just meant for you. After a long research and analysis this test has been evolved keeping in mind of today's busy lifestyle. If you don't want to go out of your home to know whether you are pregnant or not, pregnancy test strips are the right choice. Even you don't need to go to the doctor every month to get the test done. This test is sensitive enough to know the result even four day prior to period. These tests are generally inexpensive and affordable to know the pregnancy compared to outside clinical test.
These strips include very simple and user friendly method. The hormone, for which you are about to know regarding your pregnancy is known as HCG. These strips measure the hormone in your urine and determine the results. In the period of pregnancy the fertilized ova implants itself in the uterus. Then the placenta forms by secreting HCG from the cells of uterine. This HCG can be detected in the urine after two weeks from conception. After this the hormone level increases rapidly in the blood stream. The best time to conduct this test is one week after you missed the period.
In today's market (online/offline) there are different pregnancy test strips available to choose from. There are two methods available to define pregnancy. One is by colour identification and other is by LCD display mentioning pregnant.
Some things to remember about the test:
  • Drinking excess fluid before the test can dilute the HCG level in urine.
  • As the first urine of morning is most concentrated, try to take the test with first urine in the morning.
  • This pregnancy test can't take more than five minutes of your time to give the accurate results.
  • It is advisable to conduct the test from the date of menstruation.
The result is accurate as compared to any laboratory tests.
Please read the instructions carefully written on the test kit. If you followed them accurately and the HCG level is sufficiently high, then these tests can be accurate as compared to any clinical test for pregnancy. If the result is positive, you need to consult the physician so that it can be confirmed with appropriate clinical tests. To ensure a healthy pregnancy as well as healthy baby, prenatal care has to be started in early pregnancy. So it is important to ensue your pregnancy early at home.
Abhirup Kar is a writer who specializes in pregnancy test strips. You can check out his latest website at Pregnancy Test Strips, where he provides useful information and buying advice for a range of pregnancy test strips.

Electric Razors

Electric Razors

Expert Author Cookie Maxwell
Body hair can be a big burden. Whether you are male or female, you probably have hair in places you don't want it (e.g. faces and backs for men and legs and armpits for women). When you want to get rid of this hair, you have options. You can have it waxed off (ouch!), have it removed with a laser (expensive!), or you can shave it off. Shaving is a popular choice because it is painless, affordable, and takes very little effort. However, even when you do choose to shave, you still have options. You can use a manual razor or an electric razor. Both are popular choices, but electric razors take the upper hand for many reasons:
They Are Safer
When you think of shaving, there is no doubt that you probably picture little nicks and cuts on your skin. With a manual razor these are almost a guarantee. The blade is sharp and your hands can be shaky. However, with electric razors you do not have to worry about this. Since the razor has a barrier that prevents the blade from actually coming into contact with your skin, it will not get cut.
They Are Faster
Since you don't have to worry about nicks and cuts, you can shave a lot faster. Instead of having to lather up, shave, and then wash away the remaining shaving gel, you simply have to run the razor over your skin. Think of how much time you can save by eliminating all of those extra steps.
They Are More Convenient
You already know that you can use a razor without shaving gel, but you can also use them without water. This means that you can literally use them anywhere. As long as they are charged and ready to go, you do not even need to be near electricity. This makes electric razors ideal for taking with you on quick business trips or even on camping trips. An electric razor does not hold you down to your sink.
They Are Cost Effective
Yes, it is true that initially electric razors cost more than manual razors. However, manual razors are disposable. You have to constantly replace them. What this means is that overtime you will be spending a lot more money than you would on one razor. This is especially true if you choose a well-made brand, such as Panasonic, when selecting your razor. As long as you take care of your razor by not overcharging it and keeping it covered when not in use, your electric razor can last you a very long time with no additional expenses.
When it comes to hair removal, there are many different options. Electric razors are clearly a wise choice. They allow you affordable flexibility while making your life easier.
MyReviewsNow.net offers information regarding electric razors. For more on Panasonic electric razorrs, please visit us at MyReviewsNow.net.