воскресенье, 19 мая 2013 г.

When to Take Certain Vitamins and Minerals

When to Take Certain Vitamins and Minerals

Taking vitamins and supplements is vital, especially if our regular food intake does not cover the essential nutrients our body needs. However, we can't just take any vitamin we see in advertisements. There may be supplements or vitamins out there that contain ingredients which may be detrimental to our health, especially those who have a certain medical condition.
Aside from knowing which vitamins to take, we also have to know how often and when the best time to take them is so they can be more effective. This is because our body performs different functions at different times each day. Here are some of the vitamins and minerals you should take and when you should take them best:
Calcium - There are those who suggest taking calcium at night. Why? It is because this element can help you get to sleep easily when taken before bedtime. Your parents were right after all when they told you to drink milk before sleeping at night when you were a kid.
Vitamin C - This type is one of the safest and most effective vitamins you can take. Among its many benefits is protecting you against immune system deficiencies, prenatal health problems, and even eye diseases. However, vitamin C lasts only for a few hours in your bloodstream, so you should take them with more frequency daily, ideally every three hours. Remember not to take this vitamin on an empty stomach.
Fiber - There are several types of fiber, and they can be soluble or insoluble and can be found in many sources. They have various health benefits - from reducing constipation to helping lower bad cholesterol. The best time to consume fiber is after you wake up in the morning. By doing this, it will perform its work in the colon without any food hampering it. It is also highly recommended that fiber not be taken after vitamins.
Vitamin B - Known as the 'happy vitamin,' vitamin B can help reduce the risk of heart disease and even prevent birth defects, among many other benefits. Like fiber, this vitamin is best taken as soon as you wake up in the morning so you can maximize its many benefits. If you're taking them during the day, have a whole grain meal accompany it.
Vitamins and supplements are there to help you meet your nutritional requirements, especially during those days when you don't feel like eating healthy food or you just can't find easy access to it. However, make sure you take them at the right dosage and at the right time so they're really safe and effective.
If you're looking for vitamins that are affordable but are as effective as their expensive counterparts, you can find cheap vitamins at GetPrice. Log onto getprice.com.au to quickly compare the prices of various products online.

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