суббота, 18 мая 2013 г.

Echanaeca Golden Seal Has Proven Benefits Of Healing Properties

Echanaeca Golden Seal Has Proven Benefits Of Healing Properties

Herbs for Medicinal Uses
Many self-grown herbs are used for medicinal purposes. Echanacea and golden seal are two such herbs. Both herbs are easy to grown and are said to help boost the immune system among other healing qualities. Herbs are usually made in to teas and are ingested in a liquid form. Compared to modern medicine, medicinal herbs are very inexpensive to purchase and they are probably even more potent than synthetic drugs.
How to grow echanacea
Herbs are fairly easy to grow. Echanacea is a fast growing plant. They grow in partial sunlight to full sun. The plants should be spaced about 24 inches apart. They prefer soil that is neutrally balanced and well-drained. They are drought tolerant. They enjoy their space, so weeds need to be kept under control. Their beautiful purple flowers bloom in June and last until mid-fall.
How to grow golden seal
Golden seal plants prefer the shady part of the garden. They should be planted about 6 to 8 inches apart. The soil needs to be well-drained and nutrient rich. This plant, however, is a slow grower. Flowers will not make a showing for about two years after planting. It is recommended that harvesting of roots does not take place for at least three years after planting. Once the roots are harvest, they can be kept for a few years. This herb in considered an endangered species in many areas due to its popularity not matching its growth rate.
How to make tea From Golden Seal
The process on how to make herbal teas is a fairly simple one. It is as simple as boiling water and adding the herbs. Herbs usually steep in the water for 3 to 5 minutes depending on the desired taste. One thing to remember is if using fresh herbs the amount needed will be double that of using dry herbs. Herbal tea can be drunk cold and or hot. Herbal teas need to be refrigerated, and can also be frozen.
Uses for herbal tea
There are many medicinal uses for herbal tea. They are known to provide a sense of balance to one's system. They are known to provide cold and flu relief. Headache cures and resolving stomach issues are also popular uses of the herbal teas. In order to use herbal teas for these kind of aliments, it is recommended that the tea be drank is small portions several times during the day.
You can buy the pure golden seal echanacea plants from tn nursery for less than.80 cents per mature root. You can make your own full strength herbal tea. Click here to buy Golden Seal Plants http://www.tnnursery.net/golden-seal/

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