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Blushing is the reddening of someone's face involuntarily because of emotional stress and feelings of embarrassment and guilt. Social anxiety is the main cause of blushing. Scientists speculate that blushing is because of an overactive nervous system. Performance situations can also make an individual experience blushing. Women tend to blush more easily than their male counterparts do.
The difference between blushing and flushing is that blushing is localized to the face while flushing extends throughout the whole body. Flushing also lacks a mental stimulation source. Being overly sensitive to emotional stress will make the cheeks go to a rosy color.
On the positive side, blushing is a sign of virtue in that the blushing individual can be trusted easily compared to an individual who rarely blushes. Blushing has also been associated with giving. Most people who blush frequently are good givers. They are rarely selfish.
The fear of blushing is called erythrophobia.
Tips to Stop Blushing
If you want to reduce or stop blushing, try to employ the following tips. These tips are simple and practical. They will help you slowly overcome the emotional stress you encounter in some situations.
The trick to overcoming blushing is to draw the attention to it yourself. If you are an overly sensitive person, ensure that you avoid feeling bad about blushing and instead concentrate on the task. This seems hard but when you crack a joke about blushing then the situation becomes bearable and the blushing stops.
Simply remember that your unconscious mind produces the blood rush and not your conscious mind. Stop feeling responsible for some situations. For example, if you are talking to a crowd, focus on delivering the speech not on reading the perceived facial expression of your audience. Your responsibility is to deliver the speech in this case. The facial expressions of your audience should be their business at that time, not yours.
Mental Exercises
Creating a mental picture of that which causes you to blush and viewing yourself in that situation will enable you to process the scenario. You will find out that you often blush in situations that are not worth the effort. By analyzing such scenarios repeatedly, you will develop the ability to overcome instances of blushing. Blushing will not be as frequent as it did before the mental exercises.
Try to prepare for events that may cause you to blush. This means that you should picture the event before hand and be confident about what role you will play in it. When the event actually occurs, your blushing possibilities will be reduced because you already feel good about the outcomes. The body responds by exuding confidence and in turn, ridding you of the blushing.
Be Confident
If you are not confident about yourself, you will most likely blush. Confidence has the power to overcome all blushing. Sometimes, you do not realize how attractive you are when you feel confident. This factor will make you appear to know what you are talking about and it will win you respect in the end. When you realize that you are respected, you walk confident.
Blushing will become history and more confidence builds up. If you are finding it hard to build confidence, try reading self help books that try to build confidence. Other ways to build confidence is to assure your own self of your worth repeatedly.
If you stand in front of a mirror, point at your reflection and say, "you there, you are amazing", the mind shifts to concentrate on your awesomeness leading to increased confidence.
Hypnosis has been used to treat severe cases of blushing. The method employs the relaxation and worry free soothing method. Here the individual is positioned in a relaxing state then asked to focus on his blushing tendencies. The professional overseeing the hypnosis process establishes the reasons of blushing. The psychologist then attempts to pinpoint which reason affects the individual most.
Once the process is over, the doctor may ask the patient a series of questions. The questions asked are used to confirm the doctor's reasons and treatment is given. Treatment may vary depending with the individual. The individual may require a series of therapy sessions to build confidence or the blusher may be referred to a physiologist for a physical check on underlying conditions.
Other methods in hypnosis involve the attention to help an individual cool down after blushing. He may also be taught how to remove the attention from the fear of blushing or to relax in stressful circumstances.
Change your Diet
Spicy foods are known to increase blushing. If your diet consists of very spicy dishes, cut back on the spicing. Your tendency to blush will reduce drastically.
See a Doctor
Blushing is not a disease but some conditions that cause blushing are medical. This is a step to rule out the possibility of having a medical condition. Do not be alarmed at the fact that you have to visit the doctor. It is just a clarification step, nothing serious. The medical conditions associated with blushing are not life threatening so you can relax.
Mind Games
When you focus on your hands heating over afire, the psychological nature of your being will subconsciously direct more blood flow to your hands. This mind game is the idea behind virtual fires. When you stare at a virtual fire, you automatically become warm.
The mind games can be applied to the blushing problem. Simply tell your mind that you are in an embarrassing situation and watch yourself blush. Overtime you will realize that you can actually control when to blush. Gradually shift from situations that cause you to blush to situations that you feel comfortable in. You will realize that it is very easy to stop blushing.
With this powerful realization, you can choose your reaction in whatever circumstance that befalls you. There is no better way to stop blushing than having the feeling that you control the expressions of your emotions. If only the people who blush realize that they have all the control, blushing would cease to be a problem. Blushing will become history.
Unfortunately, due to the many unbelievers of the statement, it becomes important to practice the mind game so that it can be processed as possible. The saying that seeing is believing, is true. Use a mirror to watch your reactions. Very soon, you will become blush free.
To get more helpful ideas on how to stop blushing check out these tips on how to keep from blushing.
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