суббота, 15 декабря 2012 г.

Practical Tips on How to Get Fit After Pregnancy

Practical Tips on How to Get Fit After Pregnancy

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Expert Author Susan Johannsen
Those who have just given birth recently may want to lose the extra weight they have gained during pregnancy. While weight gain remains as a common issue among most women, there are effective fitness programs that can help you achieve a remarkable figure. However, make sure you consult your physician before you begin with any exercise routine. You need to be certain that the weight loss program is ideal for your energy level and health, so you can avoid complications or discomfort.
Guide on How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy
At least two hours before working out, it is important that you eat a light snack that is rich in carbs or protein. Keep in mind that your body's protein supply may be depleted as you exercise, so you must replenish the lost nutrients quickly. This is particularly essential if you are breastfeeding because poor nutrient supply will affect the quality of milk your body produces.
Never starve yourself, and try to eat at least 5 to 6 small meals each day. Furthermore, there should be a lapse of time between each meal, and avoid any tendency to consume food impulsively. When planning your meals, be sure to include one serving of protein and essential minerals. Protein can help maintain and ensure the excellent condition of your nails, skin, hair, muscles and cells in your body.
When you begin with an exercise program, you should consider including strength training and cardio exercises. These types of exercises promote weight loss while increasing your endurance and stamina. Among the best exercises to include in your weight loss regimen are jogging, walking, swimming and playing sports such as tennis and volleyball.
Aside from cardio exercises, you should incorporate strength training activities that can tone and define your muscles. You should devote about 30 minutes for these exercises, and you may perform these every other day to prevent discomfort. Make it a point to include upper and lower body workouts that can help you get back in perfect shape efficiently.
If you have no time to go to the gym, you can still perform various exercises even when you are at home. For instance, you may jog or walk around the neighborhood while pushing your baby in the stroller, or check out different weight loss exercises that are featured on DVDs. You should engage in a new fitness routine, though, after obtaining a recommendation from your physician.
Bottom Line
Most importantly, do not try crash dieting or starving yourself if your want to lose weight. Your body will not benefit from poor diet and lifestyle, and your baby's health may suffer, as well. If you want to maintain the ideal weight and body shape, consider eating light meals instead of three full meals per day. Moreover, consult your doctor and fitness specialist regarding the best exercises that are suitable for your particular needs and energy level. Do not start an exercise program without seeking recommendation from a health expert, so you can avoid serious health problems and complications.
I hope you have found this article about Pregnancy Fitness to be of interest to you. If you would like more information about fitness during and after your pregnancy take a look at my website womenshealthandfitnesstips.com

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