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Ayurvedic Panchakarma is an ancient form of treatment from Kerala, in Southern India, which involves the complete detoxification of wastes from the body. However, though, evidence exists on the early prevalence of this treatment even from the Vedic period; the word "Panchakarma" itself manifested first only from Ayurvedic Literature, and along with Susruta SamhitÄ (Compendium of SuÅruta), became a reality in the Charakasamhita period dating back to 100 BCE - 100 CE. Only in the Gupta period 300-500 CE, Drdhabala presented a re-edited and a properly documented version for all modernity to use.
Panchakarma, as one of Ayurveda's oldest therapies for purification and detoxification, complements Ayurveda's preventive and healing treatments to rebuild the soul, mind and body and instill in us the art of living appropriately. It explains the means to achieve a life of longevity, free of all diseases.
The present-day Kerala Panchakarma is a living Ayurvedic tradition that is inclusive of pre-Panchakarma techniques, which provide for a sequential approach to the five karmas or proceedings that eliminate the extra accretion of doshas, resulting in revitalizing, not only the body tissues but also the body itself. The post Panchakarma treatment is normally in the form of a holistic package. Today several Panchakarma centers in Kerala provide Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments. The five karmas or healing methods for eliminating the body toxins in Panchakarma include, Basti, Vamana, Raktamoskshana, Nasya and Virechana.
Basti Karma (Purification Therapy)
Ayurveda specifies vata dosha as kinetic energy and the root of the body's communication process, residing in the colon and bones, and responsible for emotions like reaction assimilation and perception. Busti karma involves the painless insertion of liquid herbal oils and decoctions through the rectum to force the doshas out through it.
Vamana Karma (Emesis Therapy)
This is one of the Five-Panchakarma therapies in Ayurveda credited with removal of the imbalanced Kapha dosha or toxins from the respiratory tract and the body, by a medicated emesis therapy, which liquefies the doshas and brings them to your stomach, from where they exit through a vomiting process.
Raktamoksha Karma (Blood Letting)
Pitta dosha, the third and last of the doshas in Panchakarma, apart from vata dosha and kapha dosha, refers to the breakdown of red blood cells in the liver leading to pitta, which is closely linked to blood, and subscribes to blood related problems when there is an imbalance between the two. This leads problems like pitta-genic disorders, which require Raktamoksha therapy for correction. This therapy involves blood refinement by removing blood from the affected areas by various methods detailed in the Shastra and Anushastra prayogas or treatment and is ideal for treatment of skin disorders like rash, eczema, urticaria, scabies, acne, chronic itching and Leucoderma.
Nasya Karma
In Ayurveda, they consider the nose as the gateway to the head. Nasya Karma or therapy involves administering of herbal oils and liquid medicines through the nostrils for an effective cure for several diseases of the head. However, one must perform this therapy methodically for the best results.
Virechana Karma
In Ayurvedic Panchakarma, this is part of the healing and preventive therapies that contribute to purify and revive the soul, mind and body for a disease free-living, and has a very important part to play in your longevity. Secretion of excess bile, pitta in the liver, gallbladder, and small intestine leads to discomforts like skin inflammation, fever, nausea and jaundice. Virechana karma involves the oral intake of therapeutic laxatives such as psyllium husks, triphala or senna leaves or even castor oil or a measured combination of some of these in appropriate quantities to expel the doshas from the body through the rectum.
Ayurveda is the age old tradition of natural healing. Click here to know more about Panchakarma treatment.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sooraj_Surendran
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