вторник, 11 декабря 2012 г.

Dentist Advice for Younger Children

Dentist Advice for Younger Children

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Expert Author Andrea Avery
A dentist can have several specialties. One who focuses on children, especially younger ones, has a wide field of expertise because there are several conditions that can occur in a child's oral cavity. In many times, the dental professional would like to circumvent the condition before it can occur.
Preventing a condition from happening is always the best option for most conditions that occur in the mouth. The dentist would like to prevent these from manifesting, not only because these can be terribly expensive, but also because they can lead to other conditions. Further conditions could lead to more deterioration to the kids' oral cavities.
One of the ways to prevent a condition from manifesting is to regularly maintain the teeth and gums. By this, it means to have regular checkups with the family practitioner and to follow the prescriptions and recommendations that he sets for the individual. During these visits, the practitioner may be able to foresee problem areas, which can be addressed to prevent bigger issues afterwards.
One example of these issues can be tooth decay. Once this issue sets in, the fate of most of the teeth can be predicted. Usually, without any cleaning and proper maintenance, the decay will spread to the other pearly whites. In many cases, the first parts to decay are the lines and crevices that are found in the top part of a tooth. Parents and the children themselves will not be able to notice the decay immediately because this part is thicker than the rest, which means it will take some time before the pain and discomfort sets in. The dentist can fill up any cavities that will result from tooth decay, but teeth that are heavily affected may need to be pulled out if most of it has rotted away. This condition can be prevented with the right kind of dental hygiene and regular visits to the dental professional.
Crooked Teeth
Another possible issue is the presence of malocclusions in the mouth. Malocclusions are crooked or gapped teeth that commonly occur when the teeth do not grow in their intended places or grow crookedly. There are several different types of malocclusions, and these should be immediately noticeable to the dentist when he or she examines the child. They usually come out when the full set of temporary, or baby, teeth present themselves. Some problems can wait until the permanent ones come out, but others may need immediate action, such as a cross bite. An orthodontist will need to be consulted for any problems with the child's bite because he or she can have braces made to do the necessary corrections and treatment.
These are just two of the more common problems that can occur in a child's oral cavity. Regular visits to the family dentist can help to lessen the severity of the issues' impact on the child.
To find out more about a local somerset NJ dentist who may be able to help you with your children's teeth, visit http://www.smiledesigns101.com.

1 комментарий:

  1. My child just had her braces taken out, and we decided to start her on invisalign this past week. I don't know anything about this device besides what it is supposed to do. The dentist recommended it though. Does anyone have experience with this?
