вторник, 11 декабря 2012 г.

Details to Ask About Before You Go To an After Hours Clinic

Details to Ask About Before You Go To an After Hours Clinic

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Expert Author Anna Woodward
If you have a medical emergency that is not life-threatening enough for you to head to the hospital, you may need the help of an after hours clinic. Even when you need fast medical assistance, you should take a few moments to find out some details about the location you plan to go to. This will help you feel prepared for the visit.
The first thing to find out is how late the after hours clinic is open. Many are not open all night, perhaps just in the evening hours or early morning when most doctors do not have availability. For this reason, make sure you know when you can come in so you do not waste your time. If it is closed when you need help, you need to make the decision of whether you can wait until the morning when your doctor's office opens or if you need to go to the local ER.
You should also make sure you can pay for the visit. Of course, if your health is truly in danger, you should not let a lack of funds keep you from getting help. But if you find out the pricing of the services offered at your local after hours clinic, and if they are more expensive than your doctor, you might decide it's worth it to wait. In many cases, if you do not have health insurance, clinics offer a cash discount but you may need to pay that upfront to benefit from it. If you have no money to offer upfront, find out if you can be billed so you can pay the total at a later time or even set up a payment plan.
Of course, if you have insurance coverage, you may not have to worry much about the prices. You just need to make sure the after hours clinic in question accepts your coverage. This is one of the first things you should find out about on the phone. Then check your plan to determine if you have coverage for the treatment you will be seeking. You should also find out if you will have a copay you will owe when you arrive. Be sure to bring your insurance card.
Finding out these facts should help your appointment go smoothly. You can usually get to know this information over the phone. This way, you can try to relax when you arrive and focus on feeling better and getting the treatment you need.
In need of a convenient after hours clinic Birmingham AL? Please seehttp://medhelpclinics.com to answer any questions you may have.

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