вторник, 11 декабря 2012 г.

The History of the Hearing Test

The History of the Hearing Test

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Delfino The wireless video otoscope, developed by Inventis s.r.l.
Digital Audiometer Powerful computer-based Audiometer for Windows, OS X, Sun, Unix, Linux
Expert Author Andrea Avery
Audiology involves more than just an occasional hearing test. There are several aspects to the field and several different types of professionals that work in the industry. For years, patients have undergone different assessments to help practitioners suggest the right type of equipment. Just after World War II, doctors began to take a real interest in this area of the body, how it works, and what can be done to change a person's ability to hear.
The Veterans of World War II
When individuals came home from the war, doctors, especially those at the veterans hospitals, began to see in increase in the number of patients struggling to hear. They realized that after spending time around weapons that tended to cause high intensity noises could be the culprit. They also established that physical trauma and injury, as well as emotional issues, could cause problems with a person's abilities to hear and understand information. At this point, different centers began to crop up all over the United States and a hearing test began to be a necessary assessment.
Types of Assessments
Today, a person goes in for a hearing test, and with the help of special equipment, a professional can determine exactly what sounds are getting through and where the problem lies. At first, the assessments were much more antiquated. A professional would use things like the ticking of a watch or even the clicking of a coin to check on a person's ability. In some cases, the assessment consisted of having a conversation with a person and attempting to determine how much got through. Eventually, a tuning fork was used.
If it was determined that a patient had an issue, a doctor would use an otoscope to check out the ear and see if there were any noticeable signs of trauma or problems. The goal is to press the tool into the ear just enough to be able to look around. The light at the end of the tip helps to allow a practitioner to see inside. It is important that the tool is not pressed in too far, as it could cause damage.
Patient Responses
As technology has changed, the hearing test has become more accurate. Today, it delivers results that help a medical professional understand exactly what is hindering the patient. However, there is a chance of inaccurate results. In some cases, it may be necessary to perform the assessment more than one time. In the case of children, it can be difficult to understand responses. Sometimes, adjustments are made to help increase its accuracy.
If you are interested in learning more about how an Augusta, GA hearing test can benefit you, be sure to visit http://www.miracle-ear-eastgeorgia.com.

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