вторник, 11 декабря 2012 г.

What Causes A 6-Pack?

What Causes A 6-Pack?

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Expert Author Karen Wentworth
Most guys, if not all, want to have a 6-pack. Having a 6-pack is the most obvious sign that you are fit, and healthy. But what causes a 6-pack to appear?
Your abdominal muscles or your abs are part of your core muscle group. When you exercise them, they become stronger and they maintain their shape. Particularly for your abs, it is composed of a fibrous tissue that is often referred to as linea alba. When you tone your abs, this tissue pulls the muscles together creating the 6-pack look. The question is "how can you get a 6-pack?"
The first thing you have to do is to become lean. Only a lean body can have a 6-pack because your abdominal area needs to be relieved of fats. That's right. Your first step is to lose most of your body fat. You can do this by exercising particularly by doing cardiovascular exercises. These are the exercises that involve running, dancing and cycling.
The second thing you have to do is to regulate your meal portions. It is okay to have a big healthy breakfast however it is not good to do the same for dinner. As much as possible, you need to eat a smaller dinner in order for your body to process all the fats you have consumed for that day. Remember that your body will not be that active after you have eaten your supper. Therefore, it will not have any way of burning those fats. As a result, the fats will just be stored and become your belly fat.
The third thing you need to do is to lift weights. Lifting weights is the easiest and the fastest way to tone your muscles. When you exercise your muscles, they contract and form a firm shape. When they are at rest, they are going to burn the excess fats and you will become leaner.
The fourth thing you need to do is to improve your metabolism. Your metabolism is the one responsible in burning and processing the fats in your body. In order to improve your metabolism, you need to eat breakfast. You should also never skip meals. It will be advisable for you to eat several meals in a day provided that each meal is small.
The fifth thing you need to do is to drink water. Water is beneficial for the body as it improves your blood circulation. Your muscles need to continually get a sufficient amount of blood and nutrients in order to be healthy. Drink water or hydrating sports drink as much as you can in order to keep the blood flowing especially when exercising. If there's no sports drink available, it is advisable to eat banana or other potassium-rich foods in order to keep the minerals needed by your muscles.
Hi. I'm Karen. Ever since my friend introduced me to osteopathy, I've been a huge fan. My osteopathy practitioner helps me get back on track when I visit. This has inspired me to understand more about my body and how I can get the best from it.

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