Non Surgical Facelift Options
By Andrea Avery
If you're thinking about getting a facelift, you may not realize that there are many different avenues you can explore to get back your youthful appearance. It's easy to associate the change as a surgery, complete with going under the knife under the guidance of a cosmetic surgeon. Did you know that there are options that don't involve going under the knife? For many years now, people have been finding alternatives that have proven to reduce wrinkles and give a younger appearance. If you feel that going under the knife isn't for you, here are some alternatives that may be worth considering:
Creams and Hand-held Devices
It may be hard to believe, but there are ways you can give yourself an opportunity to lose a few years in your face right inside your home. There are many different facelift creams that contain highly concentrated solutions of amino acids that are proven to tighten skin and reduce deep lines. These products can either be applied by yourself at home or by a skincare doctor. Be aware that some products work better than others, so ask a doctor if they know of a brand that has worked well for other patients.
Another home device that has had good results, are "home rejuvenation" systems. These systems are hand-held electromagnetic devices that can reduce acne, age spots and fine lights when placed on the skin. Again, you may want to look at some before and after photos provided by the company of the product, but if you feel like not going under the knife, these little devices can give you results that made it appear that you had an operation for a facelift.
When you think of needles that are designed to take off years on the face, you may think of Botox. While Botox has some good qualities, a safe avenue to explore is cosmetic acupuncture. The acupuncture uses the traditional remedy for pain in the body, but applies it to the face instead. The process is the placement of tiny needles that increase circulation to the face, stimulating collagen production. As a result, deep lines in the face are eliminated and healthy skin is formed instead.
Liquid Facelift
A "liquid facelift" is a tongue-in-cheek term for acid dermal fillers that are used to fill deep wrinkles and enhance lips. These liquids are branded under different names, but they all work similarly. They're injected in very small quantities and can cause swelling, but recovery time is very minimal and the results last up to a year. If you want to get strong results but not go under the knife, you may want to explore the possibility of injections instead.
With all of these options available, it's clear that you don't have to have major surgery to get the facelift you've always wanted. Just remember, before trying any product, get the opinion of a professional. A lot of products advertise great results, but you want to make sure that other people have had some success before you invest your money.
Get the face you want without going under the knife. Learn more about Arkansas facelift at:
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