среда, 10 апреля 2013 г.

Over-Training Results In Underperforming

Over-Training Results In Underperforming

Expert Author Jonathan Bryan Mostowski
Over-Training Results In Underperforming, and you know it is happening.
Coming from someone who goes around chanting Live Fit, Be Fit, you may find it strange that I would write an article about over-training. The truth is though, that balancing workouts and recovery is a critical element of living fit. You should workout and when you do it should be intense. But you need to allow your body to heel so you can bring it again to the next workout.
When you train you are damaging your body. Under controlled circumstances this creates the right environment for growth and shedding of fat. When imbalanced it results in symptoms of overtraining that will do many things counter to your ambitions. It is a bit like cooking; the right amount of seasoning makes for an aromatic bouquet of flavor; too much and you will be rinsing and spitting trying to get feeling back in your tongue.
As a general rule, listen to your body. There is a difference between feeling a bit tired or not in the mood and flat-out feeling like the idea of working out makes every inch of your body ache. Everyone experiences the effects in their own way, here are some general symptoms to spot over-training:
  1. Feeling Lethargic
  2. Achy Joints
  3. Excessive Recovery Time After a Workout
  4. Decreased Strength, Speed, and/or Endurance
  5. Loss of Motivation
There is no clinical test to know for sure, but if the list above applies, it is a good idea to asses your schedule. Consider taking a day or two off to start. For all of you OCD types, if you absolutely can't handle that, do very low impact exercise like going for a walk or stretching. Most importantly, eat healthy and get some sleep. After a solid 48hrs you should start noticing a difference. If you notice relief then you have your answer and need to incorporate more recovery time in your program. If you are not finding any relief, let your Doctor know to make sure there are not any underlying causes.
I know for some the idea of easing back makes your skin crawl and your pants feel tight. You can rest assured knowing that the current trend in fitness is less is more. If your still doing hour-long workouts 5-6 days a week consider what time you are leaving for recovery. Again listen to your body, balance is key, and remember you grow when you rest not when you train, Live Fit, Be Fit...

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