среда, 10 апреля 2013 г.

What It Takes To Become A Registered Massage Therapist

What It Takes To Become A Registered Massage Therapist

Massage therapy has become a popular medical treatment for a variety of different issues. Therapists can now use different techniques to treat everything from sports injuries to the pain that results from certain types of cancer. More people are seeking this type of therapy causing an increase in demand for registered therapists. What many people do not understand is exactly what it takes to become a registered massage therapist (RMT).
Every individual who wants to work as an RMT must earn a degree from an accredited university within the province where the work will be performed. Many programs require two years to complete although there are four-year programs available as well. The student will have detailed courses in clinical assessment, human anatomy, neurology and pathology. Courses also cover medical ethics, business management and therapeutic topics such as hydrotherapy and kinesiology. Students must pass a test in order to enter one of these schools ensuring that only dedicated and qualified individuals are accepted.
Clinical Hours
Anyone who is seeking to become an RMT must complete a certain number of clinical hours before being granted registration with the governing organization in the province. Clinical hours are measured as the amount of time spent working with a trained RMT in a professional setting actually performing different types of massage on real patients. Most people must acquire at least 150 clinical hours of experience before registration is granted. Clinical requirements are intended to prepare therapists for professional independent work. This time teaches about practical applications of the lessons learned in school and shows some of the unexpected complications that could occur during a session.
Even a graduate of a recognized RMT program cannot practice professionally without registering. Each province has an official governing body that oversees registration for all therapists. The main requirement for registration in addition to clinical hours is completion of a test. The tests that are given are long and cover a wide range of different topics that are important for proper care. Most examinations have a written component first that tests academic knowledge. The second examination is an objectively structured clinical evaluation (OSCE) that test how the therapist actually uses the information that was learned.
An RMT can choose one or more specializations while in school or after formal education. These specializations could include Shiatsu, acupuncture or reflexology. Some schools even offer specializations in geriatric or pediatric massage. Not all RMTs decide to take on a specialization.
Continuing Education
All RMTs are required to take part in continuing education classes every year in order to remain registered. Continuing education ensures that the therapist is aware of any changes or developments within the field that might affect how different massage techniques are administered. Some provinces even institute quality assurance programs for practitioners in order to guarantee that every registered therapist is conforming to the high standards that are expected. The amount of continuing education varies from one region to the next. RMTs who fail to meet these annual requirements will no longer be registered in the province.
Grossbeak Chiropractic & Fitness has a team of qualified RMT's ready to get your back to health. Visit our offices at 5925 Grossbeak Dr #4 in Mississauga, ON, or our website at http://grossbeakchiro.com/ today to learn more.

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