четверг, 25 апреля 2013 г.

What Is CoQ10 Good For? Why You Need It

What Is CoQ10 Good For? Why You Need It

What is CoQ10 good for? Those who are very particular about their health should have heard of the term CoQ10. It is a type of nutrient that experts say, should be included in the diet to stay in the best of shape. CoQ10 has multifarious benefits. Learning about how it works can help understand why you should consider taking CoQ10 supplements.
What It Is
Also known as coenzyme Q10, CoQ10 is a vitamin-like substance that is required by the cells to function properly. It plays a significant role in fuelling the mitochondria that produce the adenosine triphosphate or ATP. The cells get most of the energy they need from ATP.
Without Coenzyme Q10, there will be no ATP. And when ATP is not present, the cells will die. CoQ10 can be found in some species of fish, beef, and peanuts. So what is CoQ10 good for? The answer is coming shortly. First let's find out just a little more about this compound.
What are the Two Forms of CoQ10 Supplements And Why Should You Care?
There are basically two forms of Coenzyme Q10 supplements: ubiquinol and ubiquinone. Of the two, ubiquinol is the more useful form. Once it enters the body, it can be processed by the cells straight away. Ubiquinone, on the other hand, will need to be converted into ubiquinol before it can be used by the cells.
For this reason, ubiquinol supplements are usually more expensive than the other form. Ubiquinone may not be advised for those who have any health problems.
So, What Is It Good For?
Every part of the body is made up of cells. When the cells are weak, they cannot function well. They need a regular supply of ATP for energy. The mitochondria are called the powerhouses of the cell because these are where ATP is manufactured. The mitochondria need Coenzyme Q10 to power the production of ATP.
Every single activity in the body is powered by ATP. But the cells will need large amount of ATP for vital functions such as muscle movement, heartbeat, body heat, blood circulation, etc. To increase production of ATP, the mitochondria will need more CoQ10. If the cells are not able to get the right amount of ATP they need, it will result in reduced cell function, and trigger the onset of diseases.
Besides energy production, other benefits linked to coenzyme Q10 include anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties and promotion of joint health, to name only a few.
Do You Need to Take Supplements?
Aging, stress, and environmental toxins are just a few of the many factors that can affect the ability of the body to produce its own coenzyme Q10. In fact, our supplies of this important compound begin diminish as early as in our early twenties and continue to diminish. For this reason, virtually anybody can benefit from supplementation.
If you are on cholesterol lowering medications (also known as statins), you should consider taking CoQ10 supplements. This is because while these drugs inhibit the body (liver in particular) from producing cholesterol, they also inhibit it from making coenzyme Q10.
If you are pregnant, nursing, or on any kind of medication, consulting a healthcare professional advised before starting on CoQ10 or any other supplement.
Next, find out which CoQ10 Supplements supplements will provide you the best value and benefits. David Kamau is chief editor ofVitaminsandHealthSupplements.com

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