вторник, 9 апреля 2013 г.

First Aid Treatment for Yellow Jacket Stings

First Aid Treatment for Yellow Jacket Stings

Yellow jackets are usually mistaken for honey bees due to their black and yellow coloring. However, yellow jackets are different from honey bees because they are not covered with tan-brown hair. In addition, they also do not have flattened hairy hind legs. But like honey bees, they also live in colonies. These insects build their nests in wall cavities and ceilings of a house. Some also build their nests on rodent burrows and hollow trees and logs.
It is vital to be cautious when these insects are around because they can sting multiple times. Some people are allergic to their venom; thus, it might trigger severe allergic reaction. In worse cases, it can lead to death. Aggressive stings by these insects are more common during summer. If you have been bitten by a yellow jacket, you must immediately seek first aid treatment.
How To Treat Yellow Jacket Stings
Yellow jackets usually deliver their painful sting when their nests are threatened; however, there are times when these insects sting without warning or provocation. It is vital to learn how to treat an insect sting to avoid complications. This first aid treatment might save someone from a life and death situation when the venom injected is toxic for the individual.
1. Remove The Stinger
The first step is to remove the stinger from the sting area. In most cases, yellow jackets won't leave their stinger behind after delivering their sting. It is for this reason that they can sting multiple times. But in the event that a stinger is broken off remove it using something with a flat-edged surface, such as a credit card. Do not use tweezers since it might squeeze more venom into the sting area.
2. Apply Ice
The sting will become very painful and it might start to inflame. If so, you must apply ice to the site as this will reduce swelling and pain. There are other home remedies that can ease the pain, including baking soda, vinegar, aloe vera, and herbs.
3. Get Something For The Pain
Insect stings can be very painful. To help alleviate the pain, you can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen. To help reduce selling, you can take antihistamine.
There are some individuals who are allergic to yellow jacket stings. These individuals might suffer from difficulty breathing, hives, slurred speech, and extreme swelling. If you observe any of these signs, immediately seem emergency medical attention. In addition, even if the individual is not allergic, if he got stung inside the nose or mouth, promptly seek medical help as the swelling might make it difficult for them to breathe.
The author of this post offers basic first aid treatment for yellow jacket stings. To avoid such problems, homeowners must consider seeking the services of Boston extermination companies to get rid of insect and bug infestation.

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