вторник, 9 апреля 2013 г.

What Risks Are Expected With Plastic Surgery

What Risks Are Expected With Plastic Surgery

Expert Author A Aaronson
Millions of Americans go through plastic surgery every year in the hopes of achieving a more desirable face or body. Fortunately, over the years the risks of cosmetic procedures have decreased. Although most of the major risks and dangers have lessened, there are still several things that could go wrong. Some of the most common risks and dangers include:
Bleeding: Bleeding is quite common during the first few hours following any operation. However, if the bleeding doesn't stop within three to four hours complications may arise. Possible complications from bleeding include numbness, decreased blood flow, swelling, infection, necrosis, and wound separation.
Infection: Another common risk or complication from plastic surgery is infection. The chances of getting an infection are higher if the procedure involved tissue or skin removal. Signs of an infection include swelling, weight gain, and excessive fluids. Fortunately, infections can usually be treated with compression, drainage, and antibiotics.
Scarring: As you might have guessed, scarring is the number one risk associated with this procedure. During the healing process the edge of the skin will thicken which results in scarring. Most of the time surgeons will hide scarring by placing sutures and stitches in areas that aren't easily visible.. While it's not really a complication, scarring may deter you from having the procedure.
Necrosis: Also known as "skin death", necrosis happens from a lack of oxygen to the surgical area. Fortunately, the risks are low in normal cosmetic surgeries. However, in more complex surgeries the condition is possible. Smokers are more prone to the possibility of necrosis, so smokers should try to quit before undergoing any procedure. The symptoms usually include numb, red, tender, and swollen skin. Fortunately, it can usually be treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Nerve Damage: While very rare, it is possible to have nerve damage after a procedure. This is usually characterized as numbness and tingling in the affected area. Fortunately, nerve damage usually goes away on its own within a year.
Anesthesia Reactions: While adverse reactions to anesthesia are typically extremely rare, there is always a possibility. The risks depend on factors like overall health and the seriousness of the surgery. However, minor reactions are common and include symptoms such as nausea and sore throat. More serious symptoms include blood clots, pneumonia, and on rare occasions death.
Surgical Errors: Plastic surgery errors are common in surgeons without enough training and education. Possible risks include irregularities, dimples, divots, puckers, and asymmetries of the area. While not serious, these can affect how you will look afterwards. Suffice to say, you may end up looking worse.
While most of these complications and risks are low, they are still possible. Remember, to always check with your primary doctor before undergoing any operation. After all, you want to ensure you are healthy enough. Additionally, ensure you choose a trustworthy and experienced surgeon. By knowing the risks and complications associated with plastic surgery, you can make an informed decision.
Interested in Atlanta plastic surgery? Please see the following for more information: http://www.atlantaplastic.com.

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