суббота, 15 декабря 2012 г.

Solutions To Plateaus

Solutions To Plateaus

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Hey everyone, today this article provides an explanation on how to avoid plateauing when training for a triathlon. I can remember many times in my life that I would work out on a consistent basis but then eventually I would just flatten out and my results weren't showing. It happened when I would go running and my maximum distance wasn't going up and also when I was lifting weights and the amount I could lift was just staying the same. It got to a point where I was so frustrated that I wanted to quit because one of the main reasons I work out is to get results. There are a couple parts of exercising that many people don't know about and this lack of knowledge can lead to this "stand-still" that I came to.
Rest: First I would like to talk about resting. I talk about this a couple times in my blog because it is SO IMPORTANT. Many people think that the more you workout, the better it is for you. This can potentially hurt your body if you don't allow it ample time to heal and let the muscles repair. Muscles repair themselves when you sleep mostly so getting a good night sleep can be essential. Rest can also allow you to work even harder when you are exercising which can help your results in the future. Give your body a break and don't overwork yourself too much!
Diet: I have heard many times in my life that you can work out 7 days a week, but if you don't provide your body with the essential nutrients and put bad things into your body, the results wont come. When you run you are burning carbs and after lifting your body uses protein to rebuild your muscles. Your body needs certain nutrients to refuel and fuel itself and if you are not providing your body with them than you will stay the same or possible make yourself even worse. Eating healthy has so many benefits that it should not be looked over. If you are going to dedicate so much time into working out, don't just tarnish all your hard work because you have that craving for ice cream and fast food. Give your body what it needs and deserves and it will start to change for the better!
Switch up your routine: This point is something that I struggled with the most. For two years I was going to the gym and doing the same routine over and over and over. My body became so accustomed to the routine that it only allowed me to lift the same amount of weight each time. Are bodies are smarter than you think! You have to confuse your body so it doesn't get too used to certain exercises and a way you can do this is by switching up your routine. Don't have the same schedule every week and only work certain muscles certain days. Go swimming instead of running so you can use muscles that you don't usually use. Use a different machine that you haven't used before so your body doesn't use the same muscles it always does and then you can work your other muscles. Results will start to come and slowly but surely you will be able to lift more and more weight. We spend too much time on our bodies to be stuck with the same results over and over.
Prioritize: This is an area where I struggled with for a while. I wanted to stay lean while building muscle and because of that my results were completely slowed. I would lift weights but then I would do a bunch of cardio that would burn all the nutrients that my muscles needed. My body was deprived of what it needed to repair because I would run so often. You need to decide what you really want and make a balanced routine that wont stunt the growth of what your goals are.
Sports: This has a little to do with switching up your routine. For me in college, there are always opportunities for me to partake in activities such as basketball, tennis, and baseball, among other things. These sports may seen like fun to me, but at the same time I am burning calories and using muscles that I don't usually use. By doing something that I enjoy doing with friends I can make it into a workout where I am helping my body while at the same time helping my mind. Find something that you are interested in and that you enjoy, there are so many options. Maybe go randomly take a kid boxing class or a water aerobics class. Any physical activity is good activity!
The small things: Even simple things can work towards your overall progress. Instead of taking the elevator to your office or your home, take the stairs. Instead of driving to the store take a run or a bike ride. All these little opportunities to exercise are commonly overlooked but they can be turned into something positive. These shorts but frequent trips can ad up in the long run and can help you achieve the goals that you have been waiting for!
These few couples are just some things you can keep in mind when you are training. It happened in my life so many times when I would put so much time into my workouts but I would overexert myself to the point where results were never going to happen. You don't have to dread going to the gym every day if you find something that you enjoy doing and don't think of is as working out. Stay focused and don't give up when you don't get the results you want right off the bat. Each time I would workout, I would wake up in the morning and expect to see something different in the mirror but I didn't realize a very important thing, results don't happen over night! Stick with it and don't get frustrated. If you treat your body with respect and give it what it needs while maintaining a solid workout routine, results will come!

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