пятница, 12 апреля 2013 г.

Alternatives To The Candida Spit Test

Alternatives To The Candida Spit Test

Expert Author Kodjo Hounnake
Candida Spit Test
There are many alternatives to the Candida spit test. The Candida spit test is by far the most famous yet the most controversial. It can be accomplished by just collecting a small amount of saliva and spitting it on a clean glass of water. Appearance of cloudy specks after about 15 minutes means there is Candida overgrowth. If there is no change in the saliva and it remains floating on the surface of the water, then it is good news and there is no yeast infection. The other Candida tests are not as easy as the saliva test. The other tests may entail collection of blood, stool and samples from private and delicate parts of the body.
Vega Testing
One of these tests is the Vega testing which makes use of Vega machines, an electro-acupuncture instrument used for allergy diagnosis as well as for other diseases. This test is used to check the health and balance of the intestinal flora and consequently the extent of yeast infection. Some medical organizations however have cautioned against its use.
Organic Acids Candida Test
Another test is known as the Organic Acids Candida Test. This test can also be used to determine deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, energy production and other metabolic functions. This test cannot be considered reliable since it does not measure the yeast itself but only its waste products.
Candida Urine Test
For vaginal yeast infection, the test may be conducted by the collection of culture to figure out what species are causing the infection. The culture is then taken to the laboratory for testing. A Candida urine test may also be performed but this type of test is only useful for localized yeast infections and cannot be determinative of systemic infections. The gut fermentation test on the other hand is achieved by initially getting the resting blood alcohol level of the person. In a subsequent occasion, the alcohol level is again measured after administration of a certain amount of sugar. If there is alcohol despite absence of alcohol consumption, it means there is fermentation and Candida overgrowth. This test however is not also conclusive since other factors may be responsible for the fermentation.
Candida Stool Test
The Candida stool analysis is a laboratory assay of a stool sample which checks for the presence of good bacteria as well as of yeast in the sample. Since Candida Albicans are normally found in the gastrointestinal tract, the stool analysis will most likely produce a positive result. The level of yeast found should be so high in order to arrive at a more accurate finding of Candidiasis. In lieu of the Candida stool test, some clinicians also recommend the gastrointestinal health profile with Parasitology.
Candida Antibody Test
A blood test or Candida antibody test is also highly commended. This test involves the taking of blood sample from the patient, usually from the vein of the arm. This test seeks to measure the level of the antibodies particularly the Immunoglobulin A (IgA), Immunoglobulin G (IgG), and Immunoglobulin M (IgM) in the blood. The presence of these antibodies in the blood means that the body is suffering from Candida infection, while high levels of these antibodies implies a systemic Candida yeast infection. The IgA is commonly found in the saliva, genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract. Elevated levels of this antibody manifest a superficial or localized yeast infection. The IgG is the most adequate antibody in the blood and is indicative of a previous immunity status to specific pathogens. The IgM is the first antibody that reacts once it recognizes antigens. Among the various tests for Candidiasis, the blood test is said to be the more reliable option compared to the spit test.
Kodjo Hounnake is a home fitness enthusiast who believes the average person can get and remain in great shape right at home. You do not need expensive gym equipment to achieve the body of your dreams. Your body weight is sufficient enough. See the hundreds of home workout videos on my fitness blog at http://Kodjoworkout.com

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