воскресенье, 28 апреля 2013 г.

Should Women Use Protein Powders? Here Are 3 Things To Consider

Should Women Use Protein Powders? Here Are 3 Things To Consider

In a strange land long, long ago women would shy away from protein powders and supplements as they were almost exclusively seen as one of those things that only the big steroid-laden bodybuilders were using, and so completely unnecessary or appropriate for the ladies.
Fast forward to today and things are totally different, and thankfully, those old stereotypes are falling away. However, there are still a large number of ladies who are unsure about using protein shakes in their daily diet plans and routines, and wonder if there is any significant benefit.
In this article I'd like to show you the 3 main benefits of using a protein supplement in your daily routines and how best to incorporate them for maximum effect.
Ease / Convenience
It's hard being a woman today. Not only do we have to hold down a career, we have to care for the kids (and the hubby!), keep the home tidy, do the cooking, AND stay in great shape! When did it get so difficult?
Therefore anything that we can do to make our lives that little bit easier is surely welcome.
This is where protein powders really come into their own, since you can take one at any time of day and pretty much anywhere, at work, on the go, at the gym, or when picking up the kids from school.
Plus you know exactly how much protein you're taking in with the shake.
Sure, protein is protein - so you can get your daily protein needs purely from food. The problem is that in our busy 24/7 lives that takes a lot of discipline and preparation, and so a protein shake can be a great way to ease that burden.
Easily Control Calorie Intake
Following on from the last point, another great benefit to using protein powders is that they make calorie counting a hack of a lot easier.
Since we're so busy, it can be a real hassle working out how many calories you're consuming with each and every meal, so a protein shake is a way to at least help simplify some of that process - you just check the label for calories per serving and hey presto! you're done!
It's also a great way to help balance out your carb and fat intake too since you can choose a protein supplement based on these characteristics - do you want zero carbs and more protein? Or maybe you prefer a more balanced approach like you'll find in a Meal Replacement Shake.
These are questions that are radically simplified with a protein supplement and help make it easier to achieve your daily nutrition goals.
Boost Metabolism
One largely overlooked benefit of protein powders for women is the fact that they can actually help boost your metabolism which in turn leads to faster and easier fat loss.
How does it do that? Well, protein is pretty much the fuel for the engine that is your metabolism, since protein molecules help in the breaking down and absorption of fats and carbs.
Some protein powders (especially those designed specifically for women) also contain phosphate compounds that can help to further increase your metabolic rate, and get you burning more fat in less time.
This is all very well, but with so many protein shake choices out there a lot of women find it quite intimidating to go into a supplement store and know what they are looking for - and heck, asking the guy behind the counter is just downright embarrassing! <:-o
So I've decided to make it easy for you by showing you my favourite picks, as well as arming you with the right information so the next time you go in one of those stores you can embarrass the guys instead.
Check out my website for more ==> http://www.womensproteinshakes.com

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